WedAgnetha - Special Rare Photos (At Least For Us)
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Hello everybody, how are you?
Há pouco tempo publicamos fotos raras de ABBA.. Desta vez em WedAgnetha será apenas 40 fotos raras de Agnetha. Esperamos que gostem destas fotos que nós consideramos raras!
We posted some days ago rare photos from ABBA... And this time in WedAgnetha will be only 40 rare photos from Agnetha. We hope that you like these photos that we consider rares!
1. Agnetha em 1983 / Agnetha in 1983.
2. Agnetha durante a gravação do vídeo "I Wasn't The One Who Said Goodbye" com Peter Cetera em 1987 / Agnetha during the record of "I Wasn't The One Who Said Goodbye" video with Peter Cetera in 1987.
3. Agnetha em 1987 (?) / Agnetha in 1987 (?).
4. Agnetha em 1987 (?) / Agnetha in 1987 (?).
5. Agnetha em 1970 / Agnetha in 1970.
6. Agnetha em 1982 / Agnetha in 1982.

7. Agnetha em 1970 / Agnetha in 1970.
8. Agnetha em 1983, durante o especial de TV na Suécia / Agnetha in 1983, during the TV special in Sweden.
9. Agnetha em 1987 (?) / Agnetha in 1987 (?).
9. Agnetha em 1979 / Agnetha in 1979.
11. Agnetha durante um concerto em 1979 / Agnetha during a concert in 1979.
12. Agnetha em 1987 / Agnetha in 1987.
13. Agnetha em 1972 / Agnetha in 1972.
14. Agnetha em 1985 durante o especial de TV "Gäster hos Hagge" / Agnetha in 1985 during the TV special "Gäster hos Hagge".
15. Agnetha em 1995 (?) / Agnetha in 1995 (?).
16. Agnetha em 1980 durante as sessões de fotos do "Super Trouper" / Agnetha in 1980 during photo shoots of "Super Trouper".
17. Agnetha em Los Angels 1979 / Agnetha in Los Angels 1979.
18. Agnetha com a sua irmã / Agnetha with her sister.
19. Agnetha em 2013 / Agnetha in 2013.
20. Agnetha na sua casa em 1980 / Agnetha at her house in 1980.
21. Agnetha em 4 de Outubro de 1986 / Agnetha in 4th October 1986.
22. Agnetha durante a gravação do vídeo "I Wasn't The One Who Said Goodbye" com Peter Cetera em 1987 / Agnetha during the record of "I Wasn't The One Who Said Goodbye" video with Peter Cetera in 1987.
23. Agnetha é a da direita / Agnetha it's on the right.
24. Agnetha em 1970 / Agnetha in 1970.
25. Agnetha na Suiça com o seu novo namorado (Não é aquele que ela está a falar) em 1979 / Agnetha in Switzerland with her new boyfriend (Not that one who she's talking), in 1979.
26. Agnetha numa piscina em 1977 / Agnetha in a pool in 1977.
27. Agnetha dando autógrafos em 1979 / Agnetha giving autographs in 1979.
28. Agnetha em bebé e sua mãe / Baby Agnetha and her mother.
29. Agnetha em 1967 (?) / Agnetha in 1967 (?).
30. Agnetha preparando-se para um concerto em 1979 / Agnetha getting ready for a concert in 1979.
31. Agnetha em 1968 (?) / Agnetha in 1968 (?)
32. Agnetha num concerto em 1979 / Agnetha in a concert in 1979.
33. Agnetha e o seu pai em 1983, durante a premier de "Raskenstam" / Agnetha and her father in 1983, during the premier of "Raskenstam".
34. Agnetha recebendo um disco de ouro em 1976 (?) / Agnetha receiving a gold disc in 1976 (?)
35. Agnetha conectando-se com os fãs em um concerto de 1979 / Agnetha getting connected with the fans in a 1979's concert.
36. Agnetha em 1976 / Agnetha in 1976.
37. Agnetha em Estocolmo, 1983 / Agnetha in Stockholm, 1983.
38. Agnetha em 1968 (?) / Agnetha in 1968 (?).
39. Agnetha durante a peça "Jesus Cristo Super Star" / Agnetha during "Jesus Christ Super Star" performing.
40. Agnetha em 1980 (?) / Agnetha in 1980 (?)
You have here a photo labeled "young Agnetha"which is not her, more than this, it is my private photos . Please remove it. That's not Agnetha and I my friend who posed in that poto refuses to offer the permission for being public.
ReplyDeleteOk, I'll remove it and change it to another. Sorry, I didn't know.
DeleteI deleted the photo. I'm really sorry about that! It wasn't my intention to publish your photo. Actually, I found that one in a site about ABBA.
DeleteThank you for your prompt reply and action. No problem, i understand. By the way , you have another photo here with a girl who sang with Agnetha , but it is not her (the girl eating). She was part of Jesus Christ Superstar team.
DeleteThank you again!
DeleteSome sites say lies and I believe -.- Well, I have to delete that photo too! Thanks! :)
" Agnetha in Switzerland with her new boyfriend " .... the other guy she's not talking to is Bryan Ferry from Roxy Music (not her boyfriend, she had only just divorced Bjorn) He performed 'Dance Away' in Leysin on the ABBA snowtime special :-)