Goodbye, ABBA Best... Hello, ABBAccess!

Important Statement

Dear readers,

It has been a while since I have last posted on this blog. Believe me or not, I didn't even see the time going so fast, as you guys were always in my heart and in my thoughts. But many things have changed in my life, since becoming an adult to moving to a different country.

I created this blog in 2011 when I was only 13 years old. I was a "new ABBA fan" that has started "obsessing" over them when I was only 10 years old. All I wanted was to talk about them and share with other people my admiration for these four Swedes. ABBA was my happy place at that time and my biggest support and motivation to not give up. I will always be thankful for what ABBA has brought to my life... I could literally write a dissertation to explain you guys what ABBA means to me and how they changed my life forever.

So many things happened since then and ABBA kept being in my life, consistently. I have grown as a person and new goals were set on the way. But down there I knew that I didn't want to leave this blog behind as something from the past. To be honest, this blog was one of the only things from the past that I decided to keep. It became my identity in a way, the beginning of I want I have today. As I am writing this, I am 22 years old and working in digital marketing. And guess what! My passion began with this blog. So of course, I couldn't abandon it.

Like I said previously, many things happened in the way that changed everything... That being said, I recently started thinking about this blog and how it could grow with me. I realised I want to adapt it to modern times and turn it into something that I've truly wanted from the very first day, which I thought would never be possible to accomplish.

Things change and adapt to the times. The name "ABBA Best" doesn't make sense to me anymore, as in a name for something that I want to rebuild. That name is something from my past which I am very proud of and glad that I created. In my eyes, ABBA stills the best — without a doubt. But in the future, I want something more envolving.

Today marks officially the biggest change of this blog: A new nameABBAccess.

After carefully analysing what I want to build with this platform which has grown with me, ABBAccess became the best name to describe my mission — make ABBA content accessible to everyone, with no discrimination or invalidation.

Everyone is welcome in this community. Everyone from every age is welcome to be part of it. But especially for my dear fellow younger fans of ABBA! This is for you!

Despite being always accepted in the fandom, I have always felt that younger fans in the fandom were sort of "left apart" because we didn't live in the 70s or 80s to experience ABBA at the fullest, like certain fans. Obviously, I absolutely love to hear stories from older fans... it's just fascinating! However, I feel like there's a lack of content for younger ABBA fans if you look at these new fandoms from recent artists. When I say content, I mean experience, nowadays hype, a daily ABBA shot, interactivity, etc.

I know we are getting new songs, a new digital show... I know we have ABBA The Museum, Mamma Mia! The Party, etc. But what about sharing all the experiences with the world? What about if you can't experience those things like Mamma Mia! The Party? Or an ABBA exhibition?

With ABBAccess, I want to give everyone access to those experiences in the best way possible, even if they can't physically experience it. This is what makes the internet so powerful and I want to use this technology to all my fellow ABBA fans, especially the younger ones. I want the Youth to experience a similar ABBA hype like the 70s one... And I hope I can accomplish that.

Follow all the social media channels to not miss out anything:

If you want to share your experiences related to ABBA, send an email to

And check out the blog soon, for more news about what is coming and how can you join this community!

You're always the ABBA best fans!


1 comment:

  1. Lucas This Blog Is ABBATastic2 September 2021 at 16:03

    Hello carolina:D, I have to ask something, can the reaction to new music be sent via twitter? because if so could you tell me how to send it? it's not enabled for messages:D, Good afternoon, let's wait for the new ABBA song!!!! "What would life be
    Without a song or a dance what are we? so i say us need abba, abba voyageeeeeee,,, LOL :3



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